Over the years I've used Codepen for graphics, code snippets and experiments; this is a collection of some of those projects.
Codepen link here. Most everything is here. Feel free to fork and make them your own.

I often want to try to visualize something in code that doesn't justify its own repo, where webpack et al are overkill. 
I've ended up using codepen for many of these, and wanted to document them here.
Most use HTML5 Canvas using a single <canvas> element. Where possible I don't use libraries and just write vanilla JS. The notable exceptions for libraries is three.js and some code from Bit-101 that generates a perlin noise map.  

A visualization of virus spread. 

Some of these are application-like but generally they're just creating imagery with code.

meandering particles - based on perlin noise, using code from Keith Peters.

a new take on a pie graph?

There are a bunch of different codepen files up there so you sort of have to wade through to find these but they're all up there. Link Here
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